Dr Maren Bear holding a new born baby in her arms and smiling at her as the baby plays with a stuffed toy | Newborn Care


Providing gentle, expert newborn care, we guide you through the early stages of parenthood, making sure your child’s health and development are supported from the very start. We closely monitor growth and development, and can help manage breastfeeding and lactation challenges. From rashes to crying, caring for new babies can seem like a daunting task. Take advantage of Dr. Bear’s experience as both a parent and expert pediatrician to provide both realistic and evidence based guidance. Dr. Bear knows the unique challenges of working parents, and she can help calmly guide you through back-to-work concerns, childcare options, and all of the wonderful decisions you will soon make on behalf of your rapidly growing new baby.

You have a choice – we can see your newborn in the office, or we can come to you!

Those first few weeks adjusting to your new baby can be busy and make it difficult to organize your time, We try our best to provide flexibility to new parents. Our newborn home visit package includes three home visits (typically the first visit, the two week check-up, and the one month check-up), and of course unlimited calls, texts, emails, and video visits. Why needlessly stress out over providing optimal health care for your baby? We can come to you at a time that is convenient for your family. Newborn home visits gives Dr. Bear a unique insight in to the home environment in which your newborn will be raised. She can better understand your family, and this helps her to give personally tailored advice. For safety purposes, we do require a prenatal meet and greet prior to the initiation of home visits.

If you chose to come in to the office for your baby’s newborn visits, you will be amazed at how easy we can make your experience.  We have a private office setting with extended time for office visits, you will not risk exposure to illness by sitting in a waiting room full of other people.  We have time to address all of your concerns, and you can come back to see us as often as you would like! Those seemingly small questions can be easily answered through quick and direct access to Dr. Bear, through calls, texts, emails, and video visits.  

We love our newborns, and are equipped to provide your family with the expert care it deserves, so that your baby has every advantage, right from the start. 

Maren Bear holding a beautiful baby girl in her arms, along with the young girl's teddy bear | About Us

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